4 Tips for “Non-writers” to Begin Writing

The greatest misconception that people have about writers is that we were just “born this way” and that writing is easy for us and not others. I think I can speak for all writers and say that writing is not easy even for writers!
If you are a good salesman, were you born with that talent? If you are a good singer, did you come out of the womb singing?
To the outside world, these experts make it look easy, but only they know how many failures they experienced and how many hours they spent practicing.
That’s the same for writers. We write and learn every time we write and become better each time, so much so that it looks easy to the outside world.
You no longer have an excuse that says, “I’m just not a writer.” It’s your choice. If you decide that it is important to begin to write, then here are some tips to get you started.
1. Stop being a perfectionist.
It doesn’t have to be perfect to write it. Just get it out and begin. As you begin, you will get better. As you practice, you will find what works and what doesn’t. It doesn’t have to be perfect.
Learn from your mistakes, and don’t let your fear of making mistakes stop you from writing. You can do this; just start!
2. Try out different forms and genres of writing.
Maybe you failed at writing poetry in college. Who cares? Perhaps you will find out that you are amazing at writing sales letters or other technical writing.
This is the reason it took me so long to call myself a writer. Even me, a literature major in college, a former single-subject high school English teacher and I didn’t call myself a writer until I had the epiphany, “Not all writers write fiction novels!!”
When I realized this, I was able to be bold in who I am and what I do. I am a writer… a writer of non-fiction blogs, curriculum, writing instructionals, and I’m adding to that list of types of genres I can write daily.
You may surprise yourself when you admit that all writers don’t write novels. Admit that you do have specific writing skills that someone else is lacking.
3. Start a habit.
This tip goes for writers and non-writers alike. If we want to write, we must create a habit. The blog, book, or document is not going to appear like magic. We have to type or write it there. And writing every once in a while is not sufficient. Join a community of writers, ask for feedback and accountability and do it daily or weekly.
4. Pay someone to transcribe your thoughts.
I do most of my writing in my head while I’m doing some mundane tasks: washing dishes, driving or cleaning. If I can’t stop what I’m doing to write, then I just press record on my voice recorder. Later on, I listen to it and write a version of what I hear or send it over to a VA to transcribe for me to publish.
Regardless of whether you want to be a “writer” or just want to write to bring yourself recognition, don’t worry about how you start, just start.